
基于LiDAR数据的小流域河网信息提取方法 被引量:6

Research of River Network Information Extraction Based on LiDAR Data
摘要 在分析机载激光雷达数据特征的基础上,对小流域地形、植被、土壤、河道等与河网信息关联的要素进行了综合分析,并利用实测激光雷达数据验证了资料较少或无资料地区小流域河网信息提取方法。结果表明,该方法可以很好地提取山丘区微小流域河网、湿润河道及出口断面等河网信息;为山丘区资料较少或无资料地区小流域水文特征分析提供参考。 Based on the analysis of the processing flow and characteristics of UAV LiDAR data,the related elements of river network information such as topography,vegetation,soil and river course of small watershed are comprehensively analyzed,and the research of river network information extraction of a small watershed in areas with little or no datum is verified by the measured LiDAR data.The results show that the method can extract river network information such as river network,wet river channel and outlet section in hilly area,which provides a new research idea for the analysis of hydrological characteristics of small watershed in hilly area with little or no datum.
作者 魏永强 刘昌军 赵伟明 谭军 WEI Yongqiang;LIU Changjun;ZHAO Weiming;TAN Jun(Hunan Water Resources and Hydropower Research Institute,Changsha410007,China;China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research,Beijing100038,China)
出处 《测绘地理信息》 2019年第5期36-38,共3页 Journal of Geomatics
基金 基于三维推演技术的小流域山洪灾害预警指标方法研究(湘水科计[2016]194-33) 河南省山洪灾害动态预警关键技术研究与应用(HNSW-SHZH-2015-06)
关键词 激光雷达数据 河网水系 微小流域 河网信息 湿润河道 LiDAR data river network small water-shed river network information wet river channel
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