This paper reported the result of clinicoradiologic analysis of 37 patients with diabetic osteopathy. The site of predilection was the bony ends of the extremities, especially the foot (91.9%). The main clinical manifestation was the presence of a non-healing chronic ulcer, whereas diabetic gangrene of bone constituted the chief x-ray finding, which was characterized by osteolytic destruction at the bony ends of metatarsals and phalanges, with minimal periosteums reaction if any. The bony articular surfaces were usually preserved. The chief distinction to be made is osteomyelitis. The mechanism of diabetic osteopathy is most probably systemic metabolic disorders resulted from disturbance of carbohydrate metabolism with secondary neurovascular changes. Infection probably plays the role of enhancing effect in gangrene of bone.
Journal of General Hospital of Air Force,PLA