(dp/ dt) max是小型密闭压力容器法 (MCPVT)中用来表征自反应物质受热分解反应激烈程度的物理量。本文在大量实验的基础上 ,通过线性回归推导出了 X(样品容器容积 V、升温速率 R及样品质量 m)与 (dp/ dt) max的数学关系式 ,已知 X0 时的 (dp/ dt) max0 ,就可求得任意 X下的 (dp/ dt) max,与实测值比较 ,结果表明 ,利用该关系式计算的结果较为可靠。从而为 MCPVT最终成为国际上评价自反应物质受热分解反应激烈程度标准方法奠定了基础。
MCPVT is a new method developed in recent years to evaluate the violence of heating decomposition of self reactive substances. (d p /d t ) max is a physical parameter indicating the degree of violence of the concerned substance in heating decomposition. Based on many experiments, this thesis, applying regression line, deduces the mathematical relationship of X( vessel volume V?sample mass M?heating rate R)and (d p /d t ) max : (d p /d t ) max =(d p /d t ) max0 -{[(d p /d t ) max0 -b]/c}·(X-X 0) With the known (d p /d t ) max0 at X 0, (d p /d t ) max is easily calculated out at any X. The resulf of Comparing of the calculated value with that from experiments indicates the comparative reliability of the above formula. And thus, it lays a foundation for the final international adoption of the MCPVT method as a standard in evaluating the violence of self reactive substances in heating decomposition .
Chinese Journal of Explosives & Propellants