
Exact Solution of Two-Site Bose–Hubbard Model with Generic Open Boundaries

Exact Solution of Two-Site Bose–Hubbard Model with Generic Open Boundaries
摘要 The Bose–Hubbard model is a paradigm for the study of strongly correlated bosonic systems. We study the two-site Bose–Hubbard model with generic integrable open boundaries specified by the most general non-diagonal reflecting matrices. Besides the inhomogeneous parameters,the model itself has three free boundary parameters,which break the U(1)-symmetry,in other words,break the particle number conservation. The Hamiltonian H under these circumstances is constructed. With the help of the off-diagonal Bethe Ansatz method,we successfully obtain the corresponding Bethe Ansatz equations as well as the eigenvalues. The Bose–Hubbard model is a paradigm for the study of strongly correlated bosonic systems. We study the two-site Bose–Hubbard model with generic integrable open boundaries specified by the most general non-diagonal reflecting matrices. Besides the inhomogeneous parameters,the model itself has three free boundary parameters,which break the U(1)-symmetry,in other words,break the particle number conservation. The Hamiltonian H under these circumstances is constructed. With the help of the off-diagonal Bethe Ansatz method,we successfully obtain the corresponding Bethe Ansatz equations as well as the eigenvalues.
出处 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第12期653-658,共6页 理论物理通讯(英文版)
基金 Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos.11375141 11425522 11434013 11347025 11447239 Beijing Center for Mathematics and Information Interdisciplinary Sciences are gratefully acknowledged
关键词 quantum TUNNELING open SPIN chain high SPIN BETHE quantum tunneling open spin chain high spin Bethe
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