We consider the most general static spherically symmetric black hole metric. The accretion of the fluid flow around the Van der Waal's black hole is investigated and we calculate the fluid's four-velocity, the critical point and the speed of sound during the accretion process. We also analyze the nature of the universe's density and the mass of the black hole during accretion of the fluid flow. The density of the fluid flow is also taken into account. We observe that the mass is related to redshift. We compare the accreting power of the Van der Waal's black hole with Schwarzschild black hole for different accreting fluid.
supported by the project grant of Goverment of West Bengal,Department of Higher Education,Science and Technology and Biotechnology(File No:–ST/P/S&T/16G–19/2017)
Goverment of West Bengal,Department of Higher Education,Science and Technology and Biotechnology for non-NET fellowship