We propose a direct derivation of the Lorentz generators for the four-potential of electrodynamics on the basis of Wigner's theorem. The derivation relies on a study of the behaviour of polarisation vectors under k-space differentiation. The Coulomb and Lorenz gauges are discussed in that respect, and gauge invariance under Poincare′transformations is examined. The Poincar′e generators given by Bia lynicki-Birula and Bia lynicka-Birula are found to correspond to the Coulomb gauge case.
We propose a direct derivation of the Lorentz generators for the four-potential of electrodynamics on the basis of Wigner's theorem. The derivation relies on a study of the behaviour of polarisation vectors under k-space differentiation. The Coulomb and Lorenz gauges are discussed in that respect, and gauge invariance under Poincare′transformations is examined. The Poincar′e generators given by Bia lynicki-Birula and Bia lynicka-Birula are found to correspond to the Coulomb gauge case.