
网络约租车的侵权责任分担机制 被引量:12

摘要 以大数据分析和互联网技术为基础的共享经济,通过对市场中供需双方信息的广泛收集与精准匹配,开创了一种真正属于信息时代的、更为精细与高效的资源配置模式。张力认为,共享经济具有平台主体性强、参与者协作性强、负外部性弱的特征,这给规制机关沿用既有规制框架施加约束和限制带来极大困难。现阶段,需要一定的战略性模糊,以便为地方试验留出制度空间,进而为共享经济规制模型的形成提供实践经验的支持。刘权认为,植根于传统工业经济模式中的传统监管,存在监管理念不符合分享经济本质、过度依赖事前性监管措施、监管措施的实效性低、监管依据轻软法等诸多问题。在"互联网+"的新时代背景下,需要政府更新监管思维,确立以自我监管为主、行政监管为辅的合作监管机制,并充分发挥软法在合作监管中的功能。刘明认为,网络约租车行业是体现共享经济理念的代表。在责任承担方面,当承运人因过错造成乘客人身财产权益损害时,可考虑通过要求网约车平台与承运人承担不真正连带责任的方式,在行业内部实现对网约车经营风险的有效消化。 With the help of a broad collection and exact match of information from suppliers and consumers in the market,collaborative economy,which is based on an analysis of big data and internet technology,leads to a more precise and efficient mode of allocation of resources.The mode belongs to the information age.In Zhang Li's observation,with the features of platform's strong subjectivity,participants'strong collaboration and weak negative externalities,collaborative economy puts a heavy stain on the agencies that cling to the old regulatory framework.Nowadays strategic ambiguity to some extent is needed to make some institutional space for experiments at local level and then support the forming of regulatory mode of collaborative economy with practical experience.Liu Quan believes that the traditional regulation is rooted in the traditional industrial economic model,so there are many problems,for example,the regulatory philosophy does not meet the nature of sharing economic,the government likes exante regulatory measures very much,the effectiveness of regulatory measures is low,the government does not pay more attention to soft law.In the new era background of Internet+,the government should update the regulatory philosophy,establish a regulatory cooperative mechanism which is mainly composed by self-regulation and secondarily by administrative regulation,and pay more attention to the function of soft law in the regulatory cooperative mechanism.Liu Ming believes that the industry of car reservation via internet represents the core idea of share economy.In order to internalize the risk of industry through tort liability,while the passenger's personal and property rights and interests were violated by the carrier,let the platform assumed the unreal joint and several liability with the carriers should be a feasible solution way.
作者 刘明
出处 《财经法学》 2016年第5期52-57,40,共6页 Law and Economy
关键词 共享经济 行政规制 合作监管 网络约租车 Collaborative economy Regulatory Regulatory cooperative mechanism Car reservation via internet
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