目的 研究心绞痛、心肌梗死、心律失常、脑出血、脑梗塞、短暂性脑缺血发作六种内科常见急症 2 4h内易发病的高峰期。方法 以病人就诊时间减去其主诉时间推算发病时间 ,观察了 4 2 13例 ,以 1h为单位 ,描绘出这几种心、脑血管急症在 2 4h内的发病趋势图。结果 每种急症均显示出各自发病高峰期、峰点和低谷期。而有重要意义的是这几种急症的综合发病趋势图也存在明显的节律变化 ,即 6时~ 10时和 15时~ 17时两个高峰期的发病频率较高。结论 六种内科常见急症 2 4h内易发病高峰期的发现 ,对疾病的预防、诊断。
Objective The purpose of the current study was to examine times of symptom onset in six commonly encountered emergent conditions-angina pectoris, acute myocardial infarction, cardiac dysrhythmias, cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral infarction, transient ischemic attacks Methods The time of symptom onset was determined by subtracting duration of chief complaint from time of presentation by observing 4213 cases, all times were rounded to the nearest hour and frequency diagrams for times of symptom onset were derived for each of the diseases Results There are peak hours , onset, peak time, in each disease, the frequency curve diagrams for all six diseases taken together suggest that symptoms of these conditions are most likely to develop between the hours of 6∶00 and10:00 in the morning and between 15:00 nd 17:00 in the afternoon Conclusion Further research on time of symptom onset of specific diseases may lead to increased understanding of pathophysiologic processes, as well as to advances in the diagnosis and management of many acute disorders . [
Journal of Henan Medical College For Staff and Workers