目的 探讨高校图书馆在大学生素质教育中应发挥的作用。方法 对高校图书馆在开展素质教育中的地位以及优势的发挥进行分析与论述。结果 提出了应重点解决好完善馆藏、开展丰富多彩的文化活动以及鼓励学生阅读等具体措施。结论 高校图书馆有责任。
Objective The paper states the relations between the university libraries and the quality education of students.Methods It analizes the hosition of university libraries and their advantages.Libraries possess great advantages in academician quality eduction.Results It proposes that libraies should im prove their collections and serve for cultural activities and encourge students reading.Conclusion Academic libraries have the duty and ability to conduct academician quality education. [
Journal of Henan Medical College For Staff and Workers