通过对数学文化价值的分析 ,对国际国内数学课程改革发展趋势的比较 ,师生应形成正确的数学观———数学文化观 ,这在数学课程中应得到体现。可以从三方面来说明 :(1)形成正确的数学教学观 ;(2 )选择恰当的数学课程内容 ;(3)转变数学教学方式———着眼于数学活动。
Based on the analysis of the value of mathematics culture and the comparison of the development of mathematics curriculum reform at home and abroad:a correct mathematics viewpoint,a view of mathematics culture should be formed amony students and teachers and embodied in mathematics curriculum.It is as follows: (1) building a correct view of teaching mathematics; (2) selecting correct contents of mathematics curriculum; (3) changing teaching methods with the emphasis on mathematics activities.
Journal of Chongqing Normal University(Natural Science Edition)