

The Evolving of American National Interest View
摘要 美国国家利益观一贯在两个极端之间摆动:一端强调个人道德,另一端则强调现实主义。二战后的美国国家利益观充分证明了这一点:冷战时期的美国国家利益话语几乎与个人道德相绝缘;冷战结束导致的国家利益迷失和"9·11"袭击带来的巨大道德优势使得对个人道德的强调重新占据上风,随之而来的是新保守主义取得对现实主义的压倒性优势;但最近的趋势却是对国家利益的现实主义理解开始重新主导美国政治争论。在这一钟摆过程中,美国国家利益观发生了很大变化,即使是现实主义的国家利益观也或多或少地染上了道德论的印记。这对2008年大选后的美国外交政策走向或许具有某种重要的参考意义。 American national interest view has always swayed between two extremists:one emphasizing the individual morality,and the other emphasizing realism.The evolving history of American national interest view shows that:during the cold war period,it is almost insulated with individual morality;with puzzled national interest view after the end of cold war and the moral advantages resulted from the 9/11 terrorism attack,the realistic view of national interest is overwhelmed by the neoconservative one that emphasizes the importance of individual morality;however,the current trend seems to be that the realistic view is winning the battle once again.It is important to note that,in this process,American national interest view has been changed to a great extent and even the realistic view of national interest is imprinted by individual morality.This development has important implications for American foreign policy after the 2008 Presidential election.
作者 潘亚玲
出处 《美国问题研究》 CSSCI 2009年第1期97-112,222,225,共18页 Fudan American Review
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地2005年度重大研究项目"国际安全和美国"(项目编号:05JJDGJW037)的资助
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