美国国防部2010《四年防务评估报告》(Quadrennial Defense Review Report)是奥巴马政府第一份重要的国家安全政策报告。它反映了奥巴马总统的内外政策以及在军事安全领域的体现。美国国防部长盖茨称《报告》是美国军队正在进行的改革和重组全面制度化迈出的重要一步,这种变化是为了重新找到当今紧迫的需求和未来最可能出现和最致命的威胁之间的平衡。《报告》提出美国国防部需要在平衡资源与风险中聚焦战略优先,目标是打赢今天的战争、预防和威慑冲突、准备一系列广泛的应急措施以及维持和加强全部由志愿者组成的武装部队。在美军力量建设方面,《报告》提出,除了完成反暴力、战后重建和反恐作战任务之外,特别要加强在反"区域拒止"环境下威慑和击败侵犯者和电子网络空间的作战能力。《报告》中提到的军事能力建设思路反映了美军未来武器装备研制和作战理论。暗含着日益关注如何应对包括中国在内的新兴大国的军事挑战。
US Department of Defense's 2010 Quadrennial Defense Review Report(QDR) is the first important official document of President Obama's government on the national security strategy.It reflects the main guide lines of the Obama's domestic and foreign policies and their implications in the field of military security.US Defense Secretary Robert Gates said that this QDR represents an important step toward fully institutionalizing the ongoing reform and reshaping of America's military-shift that rebalances the urgent demands of today and most likely and lethal threats of the future.The QDR pointed out that to help and advance the US national interests,the Department of Defense must balance resources and risk among four objectives such as prevail in today's wars, prevent and deter conflicts,prepare to defeat adversaries and succeed in a wide range of contingencies,and preserve and enhance the All-Volunteer Force.As far as the military capability development,QDR strongly suggested that Department of Defense must further rebalance its policy doctrine,and capability to support the most important missions particularly as to deter and defeat aggression in anti-access environments and to operate effectively cyberspace.All these highlights showed that US long term military strategic planning focus is pointed to the rising powers including China.
Fudan American Review