目的 检测抑郁症患者血浆中单胺递质代谢产物在抗抑郁治疗前后的差异,探讨抑郁症及抗抑郁治疗与血浆中单胺递质代谢产物浓度的相关性。方法 用高效液相色谱法对40例抑郁症患者治疗前后血浆中单胺递质代谢产物的浓度进行测定,用汉密尔顿抑郁量表评定抑郁症患者的临床疗效。结果 抑郁症患者血浆中单胺递质代谢产物5-HIAA MHPG、HVA的浓度均显著低于正常对照组,P<0.05。经过4周住院治疗显效,HAMD得分显著下降,患者血浆中5—HIAA、MHPG含量与治疗前比较明显升高,有显著差异,P<0.05;但HVA没有明显变化。结论 外周的单胺递质代谢产物可反映脑中单胺类神经递质的状态,血浆中单胺递质的变化可作为抑郁症及疗效评定的一个重要参考指标。
To study the association between depression and neurotransmitter metabolite in plasma. Methods HPLC- ECD was used to determined the level of 5 - HIAA, MHPG and HVA in plasma of 40 depression patients and 20 normal adults as control. Results The concentration of 5 - HIAA, MHPG and HVA in plasma before treatment was obviously lower than control, (P < 0.05 ) ; After 4 weeks SSRI and SNRI treatment, 5 - HIAA and MHPG are obviously higher than that of same patients before treatment (P < 0.05). But there is no obvious difference in HVA. Conclusions The result of this study suggested that the neurotransmitter metabolites in plasma could reflect their states in brain; the change of neurotransmitter in plasma could be as an important reference data for diagnosing depression and assessing therapies.
Journal of Neuroscience and Mental Health