作者以南京军区福州总医院信息化建设为例 ,提出了重视人的作用 ,做好人才规划与培养也是医院信息化建设的关键。进一步论述了医院首先要有重视信息化建设的领导者、管理者 ;其次要有一支水平较高的信息技术队伍 ;第三 ,要有能熟练操作计算机的大批工作人员 ;第四 ,合理地配置人力资源 。
Citing the IT development of the General Hospital of Nanjing Military Region at Fuzhou as an example, the authors point out that emphasizing the role of the people and doing a good job of talent planning and cultivation is the key to the IT development of a hospital. They argue that a hospital must have leaders and managers that stress the IT development of the hospital; it must have a team of people with high IT expertise; it must have a large number of staff very familiar with the operation of the computer; and it must be able to integrate its human resources and give play to the overall efficiency.
Chinese Journal of Hospital Administration