目的 分析合肥市 19年来食物中毒发生特点及规律 ,为预防食物中毒提供依据。方法 根据 1983~ 2 0 0 1年合肥市食物中毒统计资料、报表及专项调查报告和合肥卫生防疫志等资料 ,分别就时间、场所、食物中毒原因及行业分布等分析中毒起数、人数及死亡等情况。归纳出 19年来的食物中毒特点。结果 19年来 ,合肥市食物中毒发生起数和中毒人数总体呈下降趋势 ,有两个高峰 ,即 1989年前与 1997年后与创建卫生城市成负相关。其特点为以动物性食品为主 ,微生物性占 6 6 .7% ,但化学性食物中毒病死率高 ,中毒发生行业主要是饮食服务行业和食品摊点 ,占 6 3.4 %。结论 创建卫生城市对预防食物中毒有重要作用 ,加强对饮食行业特别是集体食堂的监督是预防食物中毒的重要环节 ,提高卫生监督人员对突发性事件的应急处理能力和检验人员的水平 ,是提高食物中毒查明率的关键。
This article analyzed the situation of food poisoning happened from 1983 to 2001 in Hefei city. The results showed that both the numbers of the people poisoned and the food poisoning frequency had descended. Animal food poisoning accounted for a great part of the food poisoning (66.7%). Thus, the quality of the animal food should be supervised and controlled more strictly. The main reason of the food poisoning was microbial, but the chemical food poisoning resulted in higher mortality. Therefore, decreasing the chemical food poisoning frequency was an important part in reducing the mortality of food poisoning. Most of the food poisoning happened in food service and foodstuff stands (64.3%), so the food service and the foodstuff stands should be supervised more strictly and higher frequency. Harder punishment should be given to those who violated the rules. The reason for 16.7% food poisoning was still unknown, so more attention should be paid to this kind of food poisoning. The key to increase the diagnosis frequency of food poisoning was both to improve the ability of handling the emergency of hygiene supervision and to enhance the academic level of laboratory employee.
Anhui Journal of Preventive Medicine