在室温下,对纯铜T2及黄铜H90(Cu-10wt.%Zn)两种中低层错能材料进行A路径最高8道次等通道转角挤压(equal channel angular pressing,ECAP)试验,其层错能分别为78m J/m2、35m J/m2,采用金相显微技术和透射电子显微技术在不同尺度上研究了ECAP变形后的显微组织。实验结果表明,随着层错能的降低,材料的晶粒更容易得到细化,且均匀程度更高。8道次变形后H90观察到了变形孪晶,T2、H90的平均晶粒尺寸分别为308nm和210nm。
Copper and bronze(Cu-10 wt.% Zn) were deformed by equal channel angular pressing(ECAP) through route A maximum 8 passes at room temperature. The stacking fault energies(SFEs) of copper and bronze are 78 m J/m2 and 35 m J/m2, respectively. Metallographic microscope and transmission electron microscopy are used to study the microstructure after ECAP in different scales. The results demonstrated that materials are easier refinement and a high degree of uniformity with decreasing SFE. After 8 passes, only bronze fount deformation twins, the average grain sizes of copper and bronze are 308 nm and 210 nm, respectively.
World Nonferrous Metals