目的 :探讨食管癌术后消化道并发症发生原因及预防措施。方法 :1995年 1月~ 2 0 0 1年 2月共对 2 5 3例食管癌行切除术。其中 16 4例采用吻合器吻合。结果 :术后消化道并发症共 5 1例次 ,发生率2 0 2 %。其中吻合口瘘 5例 ,吻合口狭窄 9例 ,胃排空障碍 3例 ,反流性食管炎 34例。结论 :食管癌术后消化道并发症较常见 ,通过提高手术操作技巧 ,应用适合类型的吻合器 ,加强手术后营养支持 。
Objective:To discuss cause and preventing of complications of alimentary treact after operating on carcinoma of esophagus.Method:253 cases of esophagus carcinoma were operated on between Jan,1995 and Jan,2000.164 cases were used anastomat during operation.Result:There were 51 cases with complications of alimentary tract after the operation.The rate of complications was 20.2%. There were 5 cases of anastomotic fistula,9 cases of anastomotic stenosis,3 cases of gastric emptying disturbance and 34 cases of reflux esophagitis among those complications.Conclusion:Complications of alimentary tract after operating on carcinoma of esophagus take place commonly,complications of alimentary tract after operating on carcinoma of esophagus can be reduced by improving the skill of surgery,using the anastomat of the best types,emphasis on postoperative supports in nutriments and improving the nursing level of those patients postoperation.
Inner Mongolia Medical Journal