所测北大湖渔场 12个越冬鱼池的浮游植物平均生物量为 4 7.89mg L ,其中绿藻门占4 8.1% ,硅藻门 19.3% ,隐藻门 13.2 % ,其余各门占 2 9.4 %。冰下浮游动物平均生物量为 6 .2 7mg L ,主要由原生动物、轮虫和桡足类构成 ,以轮虫的生物量最高 ,占 72 .9%。同时讨论了越冬鱼池冰下浮游生物的种类组成和生物量特点。
The average phytoplankton biomasses in 12 wintering ponds was 47.89 mg/L, comprosing 48.1% Chlorphyta, 19.3% Bacillariophyta, 13.2% Cryptophyta, 29.4% the others on Beidahu Fishery in Helan County, Ningxia. The average zooplankton biomass was 6.27mg/L, for zooplankton, retifera was the important components, their biomasses comprising 72.9% in the avegage zooplankton biomass.Property of the plankton species composition and biomass in the wintering ponds are discussed.
Journal of Ningxia Agricultural College