中国必须有自己的经济学 ,中国经济学的基础学科地位不能弱化。加强中国经济学的基础学科地位要理顺中国经济学与西方经济学、马克思主义经济学、邓小平理论等相关课程的关系 ,拓宽中国经济学的对象 ,加厚中国经济学理论基础 ,初步构建中国经济经济学理论体系等。
China must build its own economics, and the fundamental role of the Chinese Economics cannot be weakened. Due attention must be paid to the coordination between Chinese Economics and other subjects as Western Economics, Marxism Economics and Deng Xiao-ping's Theory in order to strengthen the fundamental role of the Chinese Economics. Meanwhile, the research objectives of the Chinese Economics must be extended, the theoretical base strengthened to construct a preliminary theoretical system of the Chinese Economics.
Economic Survey