浙江许多以中小企业集群的块状经济模式表现出巨大的经济活力 ,但是又存在着部分过度竞争 ,甚至是恶性价格竞争的问题 ,造成区内资源的配置不合理。本文通过对嵊州领带产业集群具体分析 ,研究其市场竞争的具体特征以及原因 ,针对出现的问题 ,从产业组织的角度提出相应的解决措施。
Zhejiang Province in China has many specialized regions,where the mode of small and medium-sized enterprises in industrial clusters show great dynamics.But at the same time,there partly exists excessive competition,even badly price competition,which leads to irrational allocation of resources.By the analysis of necktie industrial cluster in Shengzhou,this article makes research on its specific characterisitics of market competition,and further more puts forward some measures to solve these problems in view of industrial organization.So similar regions can learn somethin from it.