旅游资源是旅游业赖以生存和发展的物质基础 .通过资源开发 ,使潜在的资源变为现实的资源 ,使资源的吸引力和竞争力进一步得到了发挥和提高 ,从而促进旅游业的发展 .但是只顾开发资源 ,而不进行有效的保护 ,或者只进行传统式开发 ,而不注重引进现代资源开发与利用理念 ,那么旅游业也只会是昙花一现 ,将不能长久持续地发展下去 .在实施西部大开发战略的过程中 ,发展的质量和效益是具有生命线意义的内容 .借鉴人类对资源开发的经验和教训 ,注重长远规划 ,少走弯路 ,就能加快缩短西部与东部之间差距的步伐 ,实现各级政府确定的西部大开发的战略目标 .中国西部地区旅游资源丰富 ,其开发和利用受到当地政府部门的高度重视 ,广泛地被认为是本地经济增长的亮点 .本文对 2 1世纪中国西部地区旅游资源开发。
This paper studies the tourism resources exploitation and protection in the west of China and points out tourism resources are the foundation for tourism and its development.Through exploitation,potential resources can be turned into attraction in tourism and increase their competition.It is advisable to exploit the west tourism resources in a new and scientific way instead of in a traditional one.In the strategy of developing the west of China,The quality and efficiency are the mainlines.In order to speed up our national west_development,it is necessary to work out long_term plans and learn from the past experiences and lessons.Regional governments and administrations must regard the abundant tourism resources in the west areas as the source of further developing local economy and centre on their protective exploitation.
Journal of Guilin University of Technology