目的 :获取本地区正常人群鼻咽部肺炎链球菌携带情况 ,为疾病预防和治疗提供科学依据。方法 :随机抽检正常人群 (按防疫人群监测共分四组 :2~ 4岁、6~ 8岁、9~ 12岁、2 5~ 39岁组 )鼻咽拭子进行培养、分离、鉴定及药敏试验 ,按《全国临床检验操作规程》进行。结果 :2 6 7例标本共分离出 71株肺炎链球菌 ,分离率为 2 6 .6 %。 2~ 4岁组检出 18株 ,检出率 2 5 .8% ;6~ 8岁检出 2 0株 ,检出率 37.0 % ;9~ 12岁组检出 2 2株 ,检出率 2 9.3% ;2 5~ 39岁组检出 11株 ,检出率 16 .2 %。各年龄组鼻咽部肺炎链球菌反携带率经 χ2检验 ,χ2 =7.11<P0 .0 5( 3) =7.82 ,P>0 .0 5相差无显著性意义 ,少年儿童组合并后肺炎链球菌的携带率 2 9.6 % (5 9/ 199)与成人组 17.6 % (12 / 6 8)相比较经 χ2检验 ,χ2 =5 .0 7>P0 .0 5( 1 ) =3.84 ,差异有显著性。耐青霉素肺炎链球菌为 2 6 .8%。结论 :本地区正常人群鼻咽部肺炎链球菌携带率为 2 6 .6 % ,少年儿童鼻咽部携带率较成人高。对青霉素耐药率处于较高水平 ,耐青霉素菌株对其他常用抗生素普遍耐药 。
Objective:The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of healthy Streptoccus Pneumoniae pharyngeal carriers in a representative sample of zhongshan.Methods:The sample was divided into age groups:2~4,6~8,9~12 and 25~39 years old.Oropharyngeal swabs were collected with a cotton tipped swab in an Amies transport medium and cultured on Thayer Martin plates at 35 degress C in 8% CO 2 by 《native clinical laboratory technology rule》.All isolate of S.pneumoniae were testedfor antimicrobial susceptibility to penicillin,cefotaxime,erythromycin,tetracycline,chloramphenicol,clindamycin,ofloxacin,Rfiatmpin,vancomycin and trimethoprim sulfamiethoxazole.Results:Of the 267 persons studied,71(26 6%) S.pneumoniae carriers were detected.Resistance rates were as follows:Penicillin,26 8%(22 6% intermediate;4 2% resistant);erythromycin,63 4%;tetracycline,50 7%;chloramphenicol,36 6%;clindamycin,50 7%;cefotxime,7 0%;Rifampin,2 8;ofloxacin,1 4%;vancomycin,0 and trinethoprim sulfamiethoxazole 64 8%;Conclusion:The prevalence of healthy carriers of S.pneumoniae in the population was 26 6%,being higher in the children age group.There are no statisticall significant differences among the different children age groups nor between sexes.There data show that carriage of antibiotic resistant pneumococcal is high in zhongshan city.All strains were susceptible to Vancomycin.
Chinese Journal of Microecology