乳酸乳球菌 (Lactococcuslactis)中的乳链菌素 (Nisin)的生物合成由含 1 1个基因的基因簇nisA(或Z)BTCIPRKFEG控制。在这个基因簇共有 3个启动子 :nisA启动子 ,nisF启动子和nisR启动子 ,科学家已经克隆了它们并对其结构与功能进行了研究 .nisR启动子是组成型表达的 ,而nisA/nisF启动子由应答调控蛋白NisR和组氨酸激酶NisK所组成的双组分调控系统调控表达 :NisK接受外源nisin信号 ,自身磷酸化后将磷酸基团递给NisR ,NisR激活nisA/nisF启动子 ,进行下游基因的转录。利用这种特点 ,开发出了能在革兰氏阳性菌中可诱导表达的质粒载体 ,包括单质粒载体系统和双质粒载体系统 ,它们在理论及应用研究上具有很大的价值。
Biosynthesis of nisin in Lactococcus lactis is controlled by gene cluster nisA/ZBTCIPRKFEG. There are three promoters located in the cluster: nisA promoter, nisF promoter and nisR promoter. This paper introduces the structual characterizations of the promoters. NisR promoter expresses continuously. nisA and nisF promoters are regulated by a two component regulatory system, consisting of the response regutator protein NisR and the sensor histidine kinase NisK. When NisK accepts the signal of nisin outside the cell, it autophosphorylates and transfers the phosphate group to NisR, which activates the nisA and nisF promoters to transcript the downstream genes. This characterization is applied in developing plasmid vectors, which may express in many gram positive bacteria. To data, there are some vectors consisting of sing. plasmid system and two plasmid system are developed. They have values in genetic and applying research.
China Biotechnology