
跨区域发展对城市商业银行贷款损失的影响 被引量:3

The Impacts of the Cross-Regional Development of Commercial Bank on the Reduction of Loan Loss
摘要 本文运用20家城市商业银行2006~2010年的数据对其能否通过跨区域发展降低贷款损失的风险进行回归检验。结果发现,就总体而言,在异地开设分行能更多地了解当地客户的信息,缓解信息不对称问题,从而减少贷款损失并降低不良贷款率。但银行还不能通过总分行所在地区经济发展的差异性来减小贷款的系统性风险和地域性风险。跨区域发展降低风险的作用对资产规模较大的城商行更为显著,而资产规模较小的城商行则不能通过跨区域发展减小贷款损失。监管部门应鼓励那些监管指标良好、资产实力雄厚的城商行成为全国性商业银行。 With data of 20 city commercial banks from 2006 to 2010,this paper makes a regression test on whether the crossregional development of commercial bank can reduce the risk of loan loss.It is found that,overally,the branches outside the place where the bank’s head office locates can get more information from local customers,reduce information asymmetry and then reduce the loan loss and the ratio of non-performing loan.However,the bank can not reduce systemic risk and regional risk of loans through the difference in the economic development of the areas in which head office and branch locate.The role in reducing risks of city commercial bank that has the larger scale of asset is more significant,but the city commercial bank that has the smaller scale of asset can not reduce loan loss through cross-regional development.Regulatory authorities should encourage those city commercial banks that have good regulatory indicators and a large scale of asset to become national commercial banks.
作者 卢独景
出处 《金融论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第6期33-38,58,共7页 Finance Forum
关键词 城市商业银行 贷款损失风险 跨区域发展 资产规模 city commercial bank risk of loan loss cross-regional development asset scale
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