目的 :探讨狗脑动脉梗塞模型制作。方法 :结扎狗脑动脉环发出的筛动脉、大脑中动脉、后交通动脉。结扎前 3 0分钟、结扎后 6小时 ,查血清ALP、CK3 2例 ,对照组 8例 ,除未结扎动脉血管外 ,其它同实验组 ,处死动物取大脑标本作组织病理学检查。结果 :实验组结扎 6小时 ,ALP、CK明显升高 ,与对照组比较P <0 .0 1。脑组织病理学检查 ,对照组脑组织正常 6例 ,轻度损害 2例 ,实验组则重度损害 6例 ,轻度 2例 ,中度 2 2例。结论 :结扎大脑动脉环发出的大部分血管 ,从酶学变化和组织形态学观察 ,均证实可造成狗大脑不完全性缺血模型。
Object: To explore the preparation of cerebreal infarction model in dogs. Methods: To invertigate the ethmoidal arteries?mesencephali arterises?posterior communicating arteres?posterior arterial, which were produced by cerebral arteral circle. The ALP and CK in 32 dogs were estimated before and after ligation, 30min and 60min respecetively, 8 cases of unligated artery vessels were set aside as control. Six hours after operation, the brain samples were done with histopathologicial observaction. Results: After the arterial ligation for 6 hours, the dogs in experiment group the ALP and CK increased markedly. There was significant differences between experiment and control group, compared with no difference in ALP and CK before ligature. Through histopathological observation in the brain tissue of dogs in control group, 6 casses are nomal, edema are appeared in 2 cases. Inexperimental dogs, brain tissue are damaged severely in 6 cases. In experimetal dogs, brain tissue are damaged by 6 cases, moderatly in 22 cases, and slightly in 2 cases. Conclusion: zymoltic changes and histopathological observations. revealed that the cerebral infarction model in dogs can be prepared by ligation of mastarteries oringinated from cerebral arterial circle.
Sichuan Journal of Physiological Sciences