
权能重塑和功能再造:中国城市社区结构调适40年 被引量:1

Accountability Remodeling and Function Reconstruction:Adjustment of China’s Urban Community Structure in the Past 40 Years
摘要 改革开放40年,我国城市社区建设是一个贯穿着政府与社会共同行动、共同维护基层政权稳固及建构社会生活共同体的过程。计划经济时期,国家对城市人口和全部资源进行集中分配,由此产生了组织成员与单位之间的依附关系。改革开放从制度上打破了单位制的垄断格局,城市社区的自主性与能动性得以拓展。90年代开始,城市社区服务的范畴不断扩大,地方社会管理创新试验极大地丰富了城市社区建设实践。进入新世纪,城市社区得到长足发展的资源、合法性与制度支持等,有效促成和实现了政府治理和社会自我调节、居民自治良性互动体系的建立。随着中国特色社会主义进入新时代,政府积极推动社会治理重心下移,赋予各种社区治理主体和力量对公共权力运作及公共事务管理的参与权。未来构建和打造共建共治共享的城市社区治理体系,要继续发挥党委领导、政府主导,有效增强社会协同、扩大社会参与,在最大限度上凝聚社会共识,并更加注重公平、公正、权利义务的对等性以及基层社会治理的持续性发展。 Since the Reform and Opening-Up 40 years ago,China’s urban community construction has undergone a process of joint actions,cooperatively safeguarding the stability of grassroots political power,and the co-building of a social life community from both the government and the society.During the planned economy period,the state allocated the urban population and all resources in a centralized manner,resulting in the dependency relationship between members of organizations and work units.The Reform and OpeningUp has institutionally broken the monopoly of the Danwei system,with the expansion of the autonomy and initiative of the urban community.Since the1990 s,the scope of urban community services has continued to expand,and the innovation experiments of local social governance has greatly enriched the practices of urban community construction.Entering the new century,urban communities receive significantly more resources and legitimate and institutional supports,which effectively promotes and achieves the establishment of a system featuring benign interactions between government governance and social self-regulation,and residents’self-governance.As the socialism with Chinese characteristics enters the new era,the government actively promotes the decentralization of social governance through giving more participation rights to various social governance stakeholders in the operation of public power and the management of public affairs.In the future,it is need to contintue to adhere to the Party-and-government-led principle,effectively strengthen social cooperation and widen social participation,maximize social consensus,and place more imporantce on equity,justice and equality of rights and duties,and the sustainable development of grassroots social governance,in order to build a urban community governance system featuring collaboration,participation,and common interests.
作者 颜慧娟 陈荣卓 Yan Huijuan;Chen Rongzhuo
出处 《城市治理研究》 2019年第1期54-65,3-4,共13页 Urban Governance Studies
基金 华中师范大学中央高校基本科研业务费重大培育项目“共享发展理念下我国新型城乡社区共治实践创新研究”(项目编号:CCNU17Z02001) 湖北省高等学校马克思主义中青年理论家培育计划重大项目“湖北省城市社区网格化治理机制研究”(项目编号:17ZD071)
关键词 改革开放 城市社区 社区建设 社区治理 政社互动 Reform and Opening-Up Urban Community Community Construction Community Governance Government-society Interaction
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