目的 了解社区糖尿病患者现存和潜在的健康问题及对健康教育关注的内容、需求情况 ,以需求为导向 ,探索社区糖尿病患者的健康教育方向 ,提高教育效果。 方法 设计“社区糖尿病病人健康教育需求调查表”多选题问卷 ,调查 82例参加“社区糖尿病病友联谊会”,以前未接受过系统健康教育课程的糖尿病患者 ,男 36例、女 4 6例 ,按文化程度不同分为 4组。调查内容包括患病时间、生活饮食习惯、治疗情况、对疾病的认知、自我监测情况 ,对健康教育需求等。 结果 患者最关注的问题是提高自我护理的技能和预防并发症的发生。适合患者教育方式包括 :医务人员提供的个性化教育、专题讲座、参加病友会从患者间获取不同经验 ,提供健康教育资料。社区不同文化层次患者的健康行为 ,对健康教育认知均有显著性差异。 结论 不同层次的患者对健康教育有不同的需求 ,开展健康教育应以患者的需求作导向 ,要关注低文化层次患者群的需求 ,“以人为本”、提供适合社区不同层次患者需求的健康教育。
Objective To understand the requirements for health education by diabetics in community , improve education effects and workout a strategy of health education in community accordingly. Methods A questionnaire(multiple choices)for 82 diabetics who had taken part in a patients get-together was designed. They had not received health education about diabetics in the past. There were 36 males and 46 females. 82 cases were divided into 4 groups on the basis of education level. Result The main concerned problems in diabetic patients were improvement of the ability on taking care of themselves and prevention of the complications. The better methods of education were individualized education, experience exchange, lectures about diabetics and general knowledge of hygiene related to diabetics. On cognition of health education, there was a significant difference between patients with good education and those with poor one. Conclusion There were different requirements for health education in patients with different education level. The health education on diabetes should be performed according to the requirements of the patients in community, and focused on poor patients and those with low education level.
Practical Preventive Medicine
20 0 0年度广东省卫生厅医学科研基金立项课题 (粤卫 [2 0 0 0 ]32号 )