目的 分析湖南地区尖锐湿疣 (CA)的发病人群及其人类乳头瘤病毒 (HPV)的型别。 方法 采用荧光定量 PCR(fluorescence quantitative polymerase chain reaction,FQ- PCR)技术检测尖锐湿疣皮损中人乳头瘤病毒基因。 结果 5 0例尖锐湿疣患者年龄 4 0岁以下占 80 %。 5 0例尖锐湿疣标本经 FQ- PCR检测后 4 4例 HPV阳性 ,阳性标本中6 / 11型 4 2例 (84 % ) ,16 / 18型 1例 (2 % ) ,6 / 11和 16 / 18混合阳性 1例 (2 % )。 结论 HPV6 / 11型感染是湖南地区尖锐湿疣发病的首要原因。感染高峰在年龄 4 0岁以下性活跃人群。
Objective To analyze the patients with condyloma acuminatum and the types of HPV in Hunan Province. Methods First,the HPV DNA in condyloma acuminata was amplified by polymerase chain reaction(PCR) with fluorescence, then the HPV DNA amplified after PCR was examined by close DA-620 type fluorescence analysis instrument. Result 44 specimens were HPV DNA positive in 50 specimens after PCR.In positive specimens the detected rates of HPV DNA 6/11, 16/18, 6/11+16/18 was 84%(42/50),2%(1/50) and 2%(1/50) respectively. Others:12%(6/50). Conclusion HPV infection, particularly HPV6/11,is associated with condyloma acuminata in Hunan Province .The most infected CA patients are sexually active young adults.
Practical Preventive Medicine