in this poper, the delay cia computer communication network as the average end-to-end delay ofpackets in the network is studied. The problem of computing the minimum delay and flow assignment of acomputer network is a coinbinatorial-optimization one. Further analyses show that it can approximate to a quadratic programing problem. To solve the problem, a new network model featuring global con vergence is used. The simulation results demonstrate the new method is feasible and effective.
in this poper, the delay cia computer communication network as the average end-to-end delay ofpackets in the network is studied. The problem of computing the minimum delay and flow assignment of acomputer network is a coinbinatorial-optimization one. Further analyses show that it can approximate to a quadratic programing problem. To solve the problem, a new network model featuring global con vergence is used. The simulation results demonstrate the new method is feasible and effective.