近年来 ,随着人类对地下空间资源的日益关注 ,地铁成为人类利用地下空间的一种有效形式 ,它对于提高土地利用效率、缓解地面交通、改善人类居住环境、实现人车立体分流、减少环境污染、保持城市历史文化景观等都具有十分显著的作用。与此同时 ,随着城市立体化扩展的趋势 ,交通走向立体化和整体性协调发展 ,大城市客运交通向快速轨道交通为骨干的公共交通方向迈进。其运量大、能耗低 ,准时性好、快速安全、交通效率高 ,利于环保等优点 ,成为现代城市地下空间建设的重点。本文从城市设计的角度出发 ,对广州地铁枢纽站内部空间的换乘及衔接问题进行一定的论述 ,阐明在达到交通协调和便捷的前提下 ,如何充分发挥地铁沿线物业土地利用优势 ,采用多渠道的地铁建设融资方式 ,实现地铁建设与沿线开发经济平衡的同时 。
In recent years, with the growing care about the resource of the underground space, a kind of its effective application has become the subway, which plays an important role to increase the efficiency of the land utilization, to alleviate the ground transportation, to improve the mankind residential environment, to realize the separation of people from the vehicles, to reduce the pollution of the environment and preserve the historic cultural landscape. At the same time, with the expansion of city center, the transportation in metropolis strides forward to the public high speed track transportation. From the aspect of the urban design, this paper discusses the highly effective space utilization concerning the line transference and joining in the underground terminal, and how to give play to the superiority of the estate along the subway and use various funds for subway construction in order to realize the balance between the subway construction and the land exploitation along the subway and promote the development of the urban space and the commerce.
Underground Space