采用对动、植物性饲料干、湿法膨化技术的加工工艺 ,配制成水貂膨化配合饲料 ,与新鲜鱼、肉搅碎后 ,再加入蒸、煮或炒熟的玉米、大豆 ,形成糊状饲料进行饲养水貂的不同饲料配方正交筛选试验。试验设计选用L4(2 3 )正交表 ,设置三因素 ,每因素二水平。试验动物选择纯种美洲标准貂 ,在生长前期、冬毛生长期分别进行了 89d与 5 9d的正交试验。试验结果表明 ,各因素极差值对影响日增重的主次关系估计为C >B >A ;B、C因素与A因素已达到显著水准 (P <0 0 5 ) ,B、C因素之间无显著差异。
Mink compound feed was prepared by extruding animal and plant feed stuff with or without moisture The feed was then mixed with fresh fish and meat, and steamed, cooked or baked maize to form a paste feed for mink A L4 (2 3) experimental design was used to select optimum feed formula Standard American mink was used in the experiment and fed for 89 and 59 days in early growing period and down growing period The results of feeding trials showed that the sequence of effect of factors A, B and C on the daily weight gain of experimental mink was C>B>A ( P <0 05) The difference between factor B and C was not significant
Journal of Economic Animal