作为一种新经济现象 ,假日经济正成为人们关注的热点。假日经济中的文化内涵———民俗文化符号的继承、开发、利用和发展 ,对于我们理解假日经济中的文化交流、文化理解以及假日经济所包含的人民物质—精神消费习惯研究 ,都至关重要。而建立在民俗文化基础上的文化产业 。
Holiday economy, as a new economic phenomenon, is getting more and more popular and abroad. Based on the analysis of the internal relations between holiday economy and folk culture, we attempt to tap the cultural implication of sustainable development for the sake of creative input, exchange and application. Therefore we can understand people′s psychology well and lead people onto a right way for the holiday consumption for the purpose of bringing about a great advance in folk culture industry in holiday economy.
Social Science Journal For Central South University of Technology