道德教育的新模式 ,就其内容来看 ,既应当是多层次的 ,又应当是多维度的。多层次的道德教育 ,除了要求针对现实的道德状况来安排不同层次的道德教育内容之外 ,还要求根据个体的道德心理发展的规律、市场经济和社会发展的客观需要来划分道德教育内容的不同层次。多维度的道德教育 ,主要是指道德教育要着重抓好道德价值导向、道德规范学习、道德人格模塑和道德能力培养等四方面工作。
Multistage moral education means not only to arrange different moral substance for different people , but also to plan the stages of moral education in the light of the laws in moral psychology and the needs in social development. Many sided moral education includes four sides: values, moral norms, moral personality and moral ability.
Social Science Journal For Central South University of Technology