CAD技术和CAAD技术的发展对建筑学产生了深刻的 影响,目前建筑学和计算机技术已紧密地联系起来,计算机技术 在建筑设计中的应用越来越广泛,同时计算机技术的发展将对 建筑学科的发展产生深刻影响。本文对计算机技术在我国建筑 学领域的应用现状及研究现状进行了分析,介绍了各计算机技 术在建筑设计的应用。
The development of CAD and CAAD technology has exercised a great influence on architecture. Now the application of computer technology is widespread in architecture and will create great influence on it. The article analyzed the application actuality and study actuality of computer technology in architecture design, introduced varied application of computer technology in architecture design.
South Architecture