Based on the R/V Haiyang IV investigation and the deep-sea drillings information, the Magellanean Seamount area usually is a sweeping seamount chain, which contains of more ten volcanic seamount . The seamount chain is bearing WN-ES. Each of the seamount was proved by sounding results to consist of the following 3 geomorphic unit: ① mesa on top of the seamount; ② escarpment belt on the central-upside slope of the seamount; ③ delay sloping hell on the below-central slop belt of the seamount. From the regional stratum and distributing characteristic of the ocean magnetic anomaly lineations (M_(25)-M_(38)), which are progeny by DSDP and physical geography sea valley, it is conclued that the position of the seamount chain was a transitional fault. There were five vio- lent active volcanic stages along the transitional fault age, Which are, in ascending order, The alkali basalte and tholeiite in Middle Jurassic, alkali basalt in late Jurassic, alkali basalt and vol- caniclastic in Early Cretaceous, basalt and volcaniclaslic in late Cretaceous, lava and volcano in the Oligocene-Miocene. It is shown by the region geological background that the thickness and abundance of the cobalt-rich crust in southeast segment are greater than the northwest segment from the Magel- lanean Seamount Chain.
Gresearch of Eological South China Sea
Magellanean Seamount Chain, cobalt-rich crust, transition fault