Currently the grain flow models that were used for grain flow estimation were mainly empirical models .These models were difficult to meet the requirements of robust and versatility .A grain flow model was established based on kine-matic analysis to accurately estimate mass flow .The model considered the external factors to grain flow measurement , such as the elevator rotation speed ,the mechanical structure parameters ,the relative positions parameters and grain char-acteristic parameters , and introduced relevant parameters that reflected changes of external factors .The relationship be-tween the impact force and grain flow was nonlinear due to the variation of the external factors , a nonlinear least squares method was used to identify the grain characteristic parameters .An experimental platform was built to for the grain charac-teristic parameters and model validation .Three weighting sensors were mounted on the weighting bin in the experimental platform to calibrate grain flow sensor and verify the accuracy of grain flow sensor .A valve plate was inserted in the bot-tom of the feed bin of the experimental platform .The feed flow could be controlled by adjusting opening of the valve plate .Experimental results showed that the model can accurately describe the relationship between grain flow and impact , the maximum measurement error did not exceed 2 .5%.The model was superior to the empirical models that were usually used , and is with versatility and robustness .
Journal of Agricultural Mechanization Research