

Research on the Training Mode of Creative Talents in Local Application-oriented Universities——Taking Wuhan Business University as an Example
摘要 2015年,教育部印发《关于深化高等学校创业创新教育改革的实施意见》,部署了深化高校创业创新教育改革工作,进一步把创新型人才培养工作提高到一个新的高度。同一时间,"创客、创客空间、创客人才、创客教育"等创客人才培养的关键词成为社会特别是高等教育界关注的焦点。该文以武汉商学院创客空间为例,对地方应用型本科高校创客人才培养模式的现状、目标及内涵进行分析研究。 In 2015, the Ministry of Education issued the Opinions on Deepening the Innovative Education Reform of Entrepreneurship in Colleges and Universities, and deployed the work of deepening the innovative education reform of entrepreneurship in Colleges and universities, so as to further raise the training of innovative talents to a new height.At the same time, the key words such as "Creator", "Creator Space", "Creator Talent" and "Creator Education" have become the focus of attention of the society, especially the higher education sector. Taking Wuhan Business College as an example, this paper analyzes the current situation, objectives and connotation of the cultivation mode of creative talents in local applied undergraduate universities.
作者 叶园
机构地区 武汉商学院
出处 《创新创业理论研究与实践》 2018年第10期74-75,88,共3页 The Theory and Practice of Innovation and Enterpreneurship
基金 2017年市属高校教学研究重点项目<地方应用型本科高校创客人才培养模式研究与实践--以武汉商学院创客空间为例>(项目编号:2017029)
关键词 创客 创客人才培养 创客空间 Creating customers Cultivating talents Creating customer space
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