
广西糖料甘蔗需水量和灌溉定额空间变异 被引量:17

Spatial variation of sugarcane water requirement and irrigation quota in Guangxi
摘要 广西是中国主要的糖料蔗生产基地,地处喀斯特地貌区,其土壤保水保肥效率低,且年降水时空分布不均,灌溉对保障糖料蔗高产稳产极其重要。研究糖料蔗需水量及灌溉定额空间变异规律,对指导糖料蔗高效节水灌溉,保障其高产稳产具有极其重要的作用。以广西7个灌溉试验站的试验数据为基础,采用双作物系数法,结合全区25个气象站的数据,计算全区多年平均参照作物蒸发蒸腾量(crop reference evapotranspiration,ET0)及滴灌、小管出流、微喷灌和沟灌共4种灌水方式下的作物需水量(crop evapotranspiration,ETc)和灌溉定额,分析各变量的空间变异性,并绘制其等值线图。与观测资料对比发现,该文基于双作物系数法得到的ETc相对误差范围在5%左右。气象因素空间分布的不均匀性导致ET0和ETc的空间分布不均,进而导致灌溉定额的空间分布差异,其中以降水的影响最明显。全区多年平均日均有效降水量全区相对差异达65%,东兴和百色分别为全区最大值和最小值点,分别为5.37和1.94 mm/d。滴灌、小管出流、微喷灌和沟灌4种灌水方式下日均ETc分别为3.48、3.48、3.59和3.52 mm/d,北海为全区峰值点,田东为区域性峰值点。全区多年平均灌溉定额在滴灌、小管出流、微喷灌和沟灌灌水方式下分别为135、135、354和457 mm。不同灌水方式下全区糖料蔗灌溉定额呈现出相同的空间分布规律,即桂林至田东一带为灌溉定额的高值区,田东为全区的峰值点。研究可为广西地区糖料蔗的灌溉行为包括灌溉方式和灌溉定额的选择提供理论指导。 Guangxi Province, the major sugarcane production base in China, is of significant importance in ensuring the national sugar industry security duo to its high and stable sugarcane output. In order to understand the laws of water requirement of Guangxi sugarcane, guide sugarcane irrigation in different parts of Guangxi, achieve water conservancy modernization and consolidate the national base of sugarcane production, contour map of water requirement and irrigation norm of sugarcane covering the entire area of Guangxi were drawn and their associated spatial variability was investigated. A total of 3-year sugarcane irrigation tests were carried out in 7 experimental stations located in North Guangxi (Luzhai and Liuzhou stations), Central Guangxi (Wuxuan, Wuming, Fusui and Jiangzhou stations) and South Guangxi (Hepu station) from 2012 to 2014. The difference of sugarcane yield under the condition of various irrigation methods and norm was studied and data base of soil and irrigation were simultaneously established. Additionally, basic meteorological data (daily highest temperature, lowest temperature, relative humidity, etc) were collected by 25 nationally meteorological stations in this region. Based on existing data of soil and growth period of sugarcane from the 7 experimental stations, planting area of sugarcane in Guangxi was divided into North, Central, West and South Guangxi. In the aforementioned 7 experimental stations, Luzhai, Wuxuan, Jiangzhou, Fusui, Wuming and Hepu represented North Guangxi, east of Central Guangxi, west of Central Guangxi, West Guangxi and South Guangxi, respectively. According to this division and the meteorological data of nearly 60 years from the 25 meteorological stations, crop reference evapotranspiration ET0 were estimated based on Penman-Monteith formula. Sugarcane crop water requirements ETc were estimated through dual crop coefficient method under 4 different irrigation methods of drip irrigation, small tube flow irrigation, micro-spray irrigation and furrow irrigation. And irrigation quota was obtained on the basis of water balance equation of crop in arid area. The corresponding contour maps were obtained according to the tension spline interpolation. Relative error between calculated and experimental data was from -1.9% to 16.7%, according to the comparison with ETc of Luzhai station and Jiangzhou station, where relatively complete data were collected during 2012 to 2013. The smaller error indicated that the dual crop coefficient method proposed here was reasonable. For convenience, Guilin of North Guangxi, Nanning of Central Guangxi, Baise of West Guangxi and Beihai of South Guangxi was considered as the representative sites, and their variation coefficients of daily average ET0 during the growth period of sugarcane were 5.1%, 5.7%, 4.5% and 4.1%, respectively. For drip irrigation, the variation coefficient of daily average ETc were 6.4%, 7.2%, 5.3% and 5.2%, respectively, the irrigation quota were 25.9%,22.8%,21.8% and 21.9%, and the effective rainfall were 17.6%, 18.0%,19.0% and 20.7%, respectively. The results showed that the annual daily average temperature presented downward trend from low to high latitude among the growth period of sugarcane. The maximum point of daily average effective rainfall was located in Dongxing region. Difference of effective rainfall across Guangxi reached 65%, indicating the uneven spatial distribution of rainfall. The area from Baise to Tiandong was the district with small rainfall. Baise was the lowest point of effective rainfall in Guangxi with 1.94 mm/d annual daily average effective rainfall, which only accounted for 36% of Dongxing. However, the average temperature between Baise and Dongxing were similar among the whole growth period of sugarcane, which were 24.04 and 24.88℃, respectively. Peak point of daily average ET0 was located in Beihai, which equaled to 3.88 mm/d. Tiandong was the regional peak point of West Guangxi, and the responding value was 3.67 mm/d. The results showed that spatial distribution of ETc under the different irrigation methods presented almost the same distribution law, which was gradually reduced from southeast to northwest. Beihai was the peak point across the whole Guangxi, and Tiandong was the local peak. Difference in spatial distribution of daily average ETc under the 4 irrigation methods were all about 40%. The value of ETc was 3.48, 3.48, 3.59 and 3.52 mm/d to drip, small tube flow, micro-spray and furrow irrigation, respectively. Irrigation quota under different irrigation methods also presented almost the same spatial distribution. Area with high value was the region from Guilin to Tiandong, the value of the region from Guiping to Lingshan was lower than the region of Tiandong. The region from Dongxing to Fangcheng was located in the low area of irrigation quota, where the value was just a little higher than the lowest one. The peak of irrigation norm across Guangxi was located in Tiandong, followed by Guilin and Beihai. Irrigation norm under the 4 methods of drip, small tube flow, micro-spray and furrow irrigation were 135, 135, 354 and 457 mm. Soil wetting proportion of drip, small flow tube, micro-spray and furrow irrigation were 0.35, 0.35, 0.85 and 1.00, respectively, and the irrigation quota increased with the increase of soil wetting proportion. Irrigation quota under micro-spray irrigation mode increased 147% compared with that under drip and small flow tube irrigation. The increase of irrigation quota under furrow irrigation mode was 2 times larger (232%) than that under drip and small flow tube irrigation, and lightly higher (34%) than micro-spray irrigation. Spatial heterogeneity of meteorological data, especially the rainfall data, led to the dramatically difference in irrigation space distribution of Guangxi sugarcane. Results could provide valuable information for irrigation application in sugarcane.
出处 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第8期89-97,共9页 Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
基金 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(20130141110014) 水利部公益性行业科研专项经费项目(201301013)
关键词 糖料蔗 灌溉 蒸发蒸腾 灌溉定额 等值线图 空间分布 sugarcane irrigation evapotranspiration irrigation quota contour map spatial variation
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