
油田井下作业防溢控制技术的应用 被引量:1

Apicaion of spil Control Tehnology tor Downhole Operation
摘要 当今油田面临着产量递减和环保要求高的严峻形势,在不同井况条件下,常规井下作业手段已不能适应油田发展的要求,从而开展了井下作业防溢控制技术研究。井下作业防溢控制技术包括带压作业技术和连续油管作业技术,通过分析这两种井下作业防溢控制技术的原理、适用范围,可根据不同施工井的类型选择不同的防溢控制技术。自2009年以来,大庆油田井下作业公司已完成500余口注水井带压作业施工,最高施工压力达到25MPa;连续油管作业技术近3年主要应用于水平井压裂中,解决了多年来深层压裂后排液周期长、效率低的难题。井下作业防溢控制技术达到全过程带压作业、无溢流污染和保护产层的目的,实现了环保与效益最优。 The oilfields are currently facing with production decline and demanding environmental protection requirements.For different wells’condi-tions,the conventional operating methods canot meet oilfield development needs.Therefore,the spill control technology for downhole operation was de-veloped.The new technology consists of snubbing service and coiled tubing operation.By analyzing the principle and application range of the two technol-ogies,different spill control technology for different types of wells could be selected.Since 2009,Daqing Oilfield Downhole Operation Company has com-pleted snubbing service in more than 500 water injection wells,with the maximum operation pressure being 25MPa.The coiled tubing technology was mainly used for horizontal well fracturing in the past three years,solving the problems like long discharge period and low job efficiency after deep layer fracturing over the years.The spill control technology for downhole operation could achieve the goal of snubbing service of whole process,no spill pollution and reservoir protection.It fulfilled the environmental protection and the optimum benefits at the same time.
作者 李会作 Li Huizuo
出处 《采油工程》 2015年第3期42-46,81,共6页 Oil Production Engineering
关键词 井下作业防溢控制技术 油管内孔封堵 产层保护 不压井作业 连续油管 带压作业 spill control technology for downhole operation tubing hole plugging reservoir protection snubbing operation coiled tubing snubbing service
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