
出口产品质量的影响因素分析——基于跨国面板数据的检验 被引量:43

Determinants of Quality of Export Products: An Empirical Study Based on A Cross-countries Panel Data
摘要 出口产品的质量在经济增长领域的重要性不断上升,它不仅影响一国出口的升级以及出口竞争力,而且对一国经济增长质量的提升有重要作用。通过对影响出口产品质量的因素经验假设,利用一个质量差异模型,分析影响出口产品质量的因素。使用58个国家1996—2009年的面板数据进行检验,发现研发水平和物质资本存量对出口质量有显著的促进作用,而人力资本的作用是不确定的。对于人均收入水平不同的国家,出口质量的各种影响因素表现不一样,人均收入越高的国家,出口质量的提高越依赖研发水平和物质资本存量,而对于人均收入越低的国家,物质资本存量以及以初等教育注册率衡量的人力资本水平对出口质量的促进作用更强。 In the field of economic growth,the importance of quality of export products has increased in the recent years. It affects not only a country's export updating and export competition,but also has an important effect on a country's economic growth. This paper makes some assumptions about the determinants of quality of export products. With a model of quality differentiation,we analyze the different factors. By using a cross-country panel data over the 1996—2009 periods from UN data,we find that research and development and physical capital have a significantly positive effect on quality of export products,but the effect of human resource is not clear. In different countries,the effect of factors of export products is different; the higher for a country's income per capita,the quality of export products depends more on the level of research and development and physical capital; the lower for a country's income per capita,it depends more on the level of physical capital,and the human resource captured by the primary education enrolment rate.
出处 《产业经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期62-72,共11页 Industrial Economics Research
基金 江苏高校哲学社会科学研究资助项目(2015SJB394)
关键词 出口产品 研发 产品质量 质量升级 质量差异 export products research and development product quality quality upgrading quality differentiation
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