

From “Segmentation” to “Integration”:Analysis of the Unequal Effect of Labor Remuneration from the Perspective of Public Service
摘要 我国城乡收入差距和地区收入差距是导致人口流动的主要驱动力,而劳动力市场的多重分割、社会保障制度多重分割交织,尤其是城镇内部户籍居民与流动人口的新二元分割下公共服务非均等化问题凸显。本文基于2013年流动人口动态监测数据采用RIF回归及其分解方法进行理论分析与实证检验,研究发现:农业户籍的'进城农民工'劳动报酬远低于城镇户籍的'城里人',且'进城农民工'在培训、现住房性质、五险一金、子女学校和建立居民健康档案等公共服务方面受到歧视;指标分解结果证实了两群体工资差异主要是由公共服务不均衡造成的,高低收入群体工资差距的拉大是造成劳动报酬差距拉大的主要原因。进一步分析发现这主要是社会保障不平等、就业能力存在障碍、居住成本扭曲等因素共同作用的结果。这一发现有助于理解城镇内部户籍居民与流动人口的新二元分割成因,为'城乡分割'走向'社会融合'提供理论和实证参考。 China’s urban-rural income gap and regional income gap are the main driving forces for population movement,and the multiple division of the labor market and the multiple division of the social security system.In particular,the problem of non-equalization of public services under the new dual division of household registration and floating population in urban areas is serious.This paper uses RIF regression to analyze the dynamic monitoring data of the floating population in 2013.The results show that the labor income of'farmers in rural areas'of agricultural household registration is far lower than that of'urban people'in urban household registration.At the same time,'farmers in the city'were discriminated against in terms of training,the nature of the current housing,five insurances and one gold,children’s schools and the establishment of public health records.The results of the inequality index decomposition confirm that the difference in labor compensation between the two groups is mainly caused by the discrimination caused by the imbalance of public services.The widening of the wage gap between high and low income groups is the main reason for the widening of the labor compensation gap.Further analysis shows that this is mainly caused by the combination of social security inequality,obstacles to employment capacity,and distortion of living costs.This finding helps to understand the new dual division of the household registration and floating population within the town,and provides a theoretical and empirical reference for the'urban-rural division'towards'social integration'.
作者 王静 杜曙光 宋建 Jing Wang;Shuguang Du;Jian Song
出处 《产业经济评论(山东)》 2019年第1期70-90,共21页 Review of Industrial Economics
基金 江苏省社会科学基金项目“江苏省流动人口社会融入的指标测度与影响因素分析”(17SHC003) 江苏省高校人文社会科学研究项目“长三角地区流动人口空间有序集疏的机制研究”(2017SJB0344) 中国博士后科学基金第63批面上资助项目“中国经济转型背景下产业升级对就业结构影响研究”(2018M630427) 全国中国特色社会主义政治经济学研究中心(福建师范大学)“中国新技术革命的政治经济学研究”(项目编号:Y2018005)的资助 “江苏高校品牌建设工程项目立项专业研究成果”
关键词 户籍制度 流动人口 劳动报酬不平等 公共服务 Household Registration System Floating Population Unequal Labor Compensation Public Service
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