
中国产业经济学发展轨迹与特征分析——基于《中国工业经济》期刊文献的计量分析 被引量:5

Analysis on the Development Track and Characteristics of Industrial Economics in China——Econometric Analysis Based on the Literatures of China Industrial Economics
摘要 本文以中国产业经济学学科领域的权威期刊——《中国工业经济》刊载文献为研究对象,运用文献计量分析方法,考察产业经济学学科发展轨迹与特征分析。通过设定文献来源,收集该期刊1998—2017年上传中国知网(CNKI)数据库的学术论文3751篇,在逐一手工筛选处理的基础上,确定3286篇文献作为研究对象,并运用Bicomb 2.0、Ucinet、NetDraw等软件从期刊发文、作者及单位、关键词主题变化三个方面进行统计分析。研究发现,随着国内产业经济学学科的发展,《中国工业经济》期刊在每期总页数增加的同时,发文数量减少,单篇篇幅逐步增加,刊文质量不断提高;从发文作者及单位来源看,期刊发文单位来源广泛,国家重点学科/重点培育学科高校优势明显,从发文单位所在地理分区看,主要集中在东部地区高校;对论文关键词的分析表明,产业经济学学科研究主题与中国经济发展和改革开放的时代特征紧密结合,不同阶段关注的研究重心有所不同,不同高校产业经济学研究主题也有明显的偏好和特色差异,共同推动着中国产业经济学的发展和进步。 This paper based on the literatures published in China Industrial Economics which is the authoritative journal in the field of industrial economics in China to investigate the development track and characteristics of the discipline through the statistical and econometric analysis.By setting the source of literatures,3751 literatures of the journal which have been uploaded CNKI database from 1998 to 2017 were collected.On the basis of manual screening one by one,3286 literatures were selected as research objects.The statistical analysis is carried out from three aspects:the journal literatures,the author and the unit,the theme change of the key words by using Bicomb 2.0,Ucinet,NetDraw and other software.The study finds that with the development of domestic industrial economics,the number of literatures published in each issue of the journal decreases while the total number of pages per period increases,the length of each literature increases gradually due to the quality of journal article is being improved continuously.The authors and units of literatures published in China Industrial Economics come from a wide range of sources and the national key discipline and key cultivating discipline colleges and universities have obvious advantages.According to the geographical division,the dispatch units are mainly concentrated in colleges and universities in the eastern region.The analysis of key words of the literatures shows that the research topics of industrial economics are closely linked with the characteristics of China’s economic development especially China’s reform and opening up.The research concerns are different in different periods and the themes of industrial economics in different universities also have obvious preference and characteristic Differences,which jointly promote the development and progress of industrial economics in China.
作者 肖兴志 张伟广 Xing-zhi XIAO;Wei-guang ZHANG(Center for Industrial and Business Organization DUFE,Dalian 116025)
出处 《产业组织评论》 CSSCI 2018年第1期149-174,共26页 Industrial Organization Review
关键词 产业经济学 学科发展 《中国工业经济》 文献计量 industrial economics in China discipline development China Industrial Economics document measurement
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