用代数方法系统地讨论了多平面多视点下单应矩阵间的约束关系 .主要结论有 ( A)如果视点间摄像机的运动为纯平移运动 ,则 1 )对于所有平面关于两视点间的单应矩阵的集合 ,或单个平面关于所有视点的单应矩阵的集合的秩均等于 4,2 )对于多平面多视点的标准单应矩阵的集合其秩仍等于 4,3)根据以上结论可推出现有文献中关于“相对单应矩阵”约束的所有结果 ;( B)如果视点间摄像机的运动为一般运动 ,则 1 )对于所有平面关于两个视点间的单应矩阵集合的秩等于 4的结论仍成立 ,2 )对于其它情况其秩不再等于 4而是等于
Homography estimation is widely used for 3D motion analysis, mosaicing, camera calibration and more. This paper is concentrated on the investigation on multi-view and multi-plane constraints on homographies. The main results are: A. when the camera is under a pure translation, then, 1) both the homographies of all planes between two view points, and the homographies of a plane for all view points are of rank 4, 2) the standard homographies in multi-view and multi-plane case are still of rank 4,3) the above two results keep true for the relative homographies in the case of general camera motion; B. when the camera i under a general motion, 1) the homographies of all planes between two view points are also of rank 4,2) however, the rank should be 9 rather than 4 in other cases.
Acta Automatica Sinica
国家自然科学基金(60 0 75 0 0 4
60 0 3 3 0 1 0 )
"973"计划(G1 9980 3 0 5 0 2 )
中国科学院机器人学开放研究实验室(RL2 0 0 0 1 0 )资助