比喻是作者常用的一种修辞手段。它能使文章更生动、更形象、更鲜明、更感人。了解和正确理解比喻语言是阅读的重要技能 ,它能帮助读者更好地理解文章的内容 ,提高读者的欣赏水平和审美能力 ;也有助于读者体会到文章的“感染力”、更好地理解语言的“神奇功能” ,从而更好地欣赏作品。常见的比喻方式有 :明喻、暗喻、拟人、换喻和讽喻等几种形式 ,本文拟对《大学英语·精读》中的比喻修辞手法的应用进行简析。
Figurative language,a kind of frequently used rhetoric device,can make the article more vivid,interesting,clear and moving,thus helping the readers get a better understanding of the article,improve their admiration level and aesthetic judgment,recognize the'secret power'of words and appreciate the sensory impressions and emotional reaction created by authors.Simile,metaphor,personification,metonymy and allegory which are commonly used will be dealt with,in this article,in terms of their application in college English and their appreciation.
Journal of Shenyang College of Education