将单克降抗体免疫交联物 SZ_(39) ADR 在人脑胶质瘤裸小鼠模型 NHG (?)体内进行导向治疗研究。实验显示免疫交联物 SZ_(39) ADR 对皮下实体瘤的抗肿瘤作用显著优于游离阿霉素,SZ_(39) ADR 治疗后肿瘤体积仅为空白对照的30%,肿瘤细胞 DNA 合成被显著抑制。免疫交联物导向治疗使荷脑内实体瘤裸鼠平均生存期显著延长达54%。SZ_(39) ADR 治疗对骨髓和小肠细胞 DNA合成影响较小,提示其对骨髓和小肠的毒性副作用较小。
Athymic nude mice bearing subcutaneous andintracerebral human glioma xenografts were usedto assess the therapeutic efficacy of monoclonalantibody-adriamycin immunoconjugates againstmalignant gliomas in vivo.Immunoconjugates showeda significantly stronger antitumor effect with aT/C(treated control tumor volume)of 30% ascompared with free drug(T/C of 84%),The targe-ting treatment with immunoconjugates significantlyprolonged 54% of median survival time of nudemice.Side effects of immunoconjugates on thenormal bone marrow and small intestines weremuch slighter than those of the free drug.Theresults of this study indicate that the use ofmonoclonal antibodies as carriers of antitumoragents m(?) have many therapeutic advantagesfor the treatment of brain gliomas.
Chinese Journal of Neurosurgery