目的 了解抗结核药物的副反应发生情况及其处理原则。 方法 对 1989~ 2 0 0 1年间我院诊治的结核病患者 2 6 79例中副反应的发生情况进行回顾性总结分析。结果 2 6 79例中发生副反应者 80 9例 ,占 30 .2 %。其中以肝脏损害、第 8对脑神经损害、血液有形成份改变及胃肠道反应最多见 ,共占 85 .7%左右 ;因副作用严重 ,终止治疗者 395例 ,占 14 .7% ;80 .6 %以上副反应出现在给药后的 2个月内 ,血液有形成份改变 5 0 %以上在用药 3个月后出现。结论 抗结核药物引起的副反应多而常见 ,有的副反应较为严重 ,临床上应加强监测 ,及时发现 ,正确处理 。
Objective To analyze the occurence of side effects of antituberculotic and to explore the principle of management.Methods The retrospective analyses of the side effects of antituberculotic were made among 2679 cases of tuberculosis treatal in our hospital from 1989 to 2001.Results Side effects happened in 809 cases (30.2%) .The most common side effects (about 85.7%) were found to be liver injury,the injury of the eighth cranial nerves,the change of visible components in blood and the reactions of gastro intestinal tract.The treatments of 395 cases (14.7%) were interrupted because of the severe side effects.80.6% of the side effects happened in 2 months and more than 50% of them occurred 3 months later.Conclusion Side effects of antituberculotic should be monitored carefully and treated in time when discovered to promote the preventive and curative effects.
Journal of Linyi Medical College