Java Beans is a standard for software components. For checkingthe consistency of the Java Beaus semantic constraints with its implementation,this paper proposes a formal Java Beaus Description Language (JBDL) to specifycomponent semantic constraints. The JBDL logic is based on many sorted firstorder logic and Computation Tree Logic (CTL), with extension of some facilities inspecifying object oriented features. A framework for dynamic checking Java Beaussemantic constraines in JBDL form is described in this paper and some experimentalresults are showed by examples.
Java Beans is a standard for software components. For checkingthe consistency of the Java Beaus semantic constraints with its implementation,this paper proposes a formal Java Beaus Description Language (JBDL) to specifycomponent semantic constraints. The JBDL logic is based on many sorted firstorder logic and Computation Tree Logic (CTL), with extension of some facilities inspecifying object oriented features. A framework for dynamic checking Java Beaussemantic constraines in JBDL form is described in this paper and some experimentalresults are showed by examples.