目的 研究不同类食用油油烟对妇女肺癌危险度的影响。方法 在甘肃东部进行一项以人群为基础的病例-对照流行病学研究,以对肺癌与当地产菜子油和胡麻油的关系进行调查。在1994~1998年期间诊断出妇女肺癌233例。根据人口调查资料随机选出459名妇女作为对照,对照在年龄和地区方面与病例频数匹配。调查中获得了做饭情况和食用油使用方面的资料。结果 单独使用菜子油、混用莱子油和胡麻油与单独用胡麻油相比,肺癌比值比(OR)为1.67(95% CI 1.0~2.5)。与炒菜次数少的相比,每月用胡麻油或菜子油炒菜15~29次,30次和30次以上时,其OR值分别为1.96,1.73和2.24(趋势检验,P<0.03)。结论 妇女受来自菜子油的油烟暴露,会使肺癌危险度增加,胡麻油也可能有部分贡献。肺癌危险度也随做饭年数的增加而升高(趋势检验,P<O.09)。
Objective To investigate effect of cooking oil fumes to lung cancer risk of Chinese women. Method A population - based case - control study in Gansu Province is conducted for investigating the association between lung cancer and locally made rapeseed and linseed oils. Two hundred thirty - three incident, female lung cancer cases diagnosed from 1994 - 1998 were identified. A control group of 459 women was selected from census lists and were frequency matched on age and prefecture. Interviewers obtained information on cooking practices and cooking oil use. Result The odds ratio (OR) for lung cancer associated with ever - use of rapeseed oil, alone or in combination with linseed oil, was 1.67 (95% CI 1.0 - 2.5) , compared to use of linseed oil alone. ORs for stir- frying with either linseed or rapeseed oil 15 - 29, 30 and≥31 times per month were 1.96, 1.73, and 2.24, respectively (trend, P = 0.03) , relative to a lower frequency of stir - frying. Conclusion Women exposed to cooking fumes from rapeseed oil appeared to be at increased risk of lung cancer, and there was some evidence that linseed oil may have also contributed to the risk. Lung cancer risks also increased with total number of years cooking (trend, P < 0.09) .
Chinese Preventive Medicine