

The Black Triangle Area桭it for Europe? Numerical Air Quality Studies for the Black Triangle Area
摘要 "黑三角"地区包括波希米亚(原捷克斯洛伐克西部一个地区)北部、萨克森州(原民主德国一个州)南部以及下西里西亚(波兰、捷克和德国部分地区)的一部分。"黑三角"地区是中欧污染最严重的地区之一,主要因为硫和粉尘的排放量大而得名。经过80年代末的政治变革之后,该地区的空气质量已有很大改善。本文中,我们对萨克森地区和波希米亚北部的空气污染,尤其是二氧化硫、臭氧和气溶胶颗粒物所造成的空气污染的未来发展趋势进行了调查研究。对于欧洲委员会规定的或者建议的为保护人类健康而需达到的相关限值标准,我们按照2005年最坏情况的设想进行了对照检查。对照检查的结果表明,黑三角地区所面临的空气污染问题,与其它欧盟国家所面临的空气污染问题,是大体相同的,只能通过共同努力加以解决。 The “Black Triangle” area (covering northern Bohemia, southern Saxony and part of lower Silesia) has been one of the most polluted areas in Central Europe. The area was named mainly because of high emissions of sulfur and dust. After the political changes at the end of the 1980s a significant improvement in air quality has been achieved. In this study, we have investigated the future development of air pollution in the region of Saxony and northern Bohemia with special regard to the species sulfur dioxide, ozone, and aerosol particles. Relevant limit values for protection of human health defined or suggested in directives by the European Commission were checked in worst-case scenarios for the year 2005. It can be estimated, that the remaining air pollution problems in the Black Triangle area are more or less the same as in the other EU-countries and can be solved only by joint efforts.
出处 《AMBIO-人类环境杂志》 2002年第3期231-235,共5页
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