分析了苯丙胶乳改性剂中各种配剂对砂浆性能的影响 .试验结果表明 :含有消泡剂和减水剂的苯丙胶乳与水泥砂浆的适应性较好 ,随着胶乳掺量的增大 ,砂浆的减水性逐渐提高 (水灰比逐渐降低 )、密度及抗压强度降低幅度较小 ,而抗折强度普遍提高 ,在一定胶灰比条件下出现最大值 ,超过了单掺减水剂的砂浆 .
This paper analyses the effect of various admixture of the styrene_acrylic latex for the performance of the mortar. The experiment result is stated that the styrene_acrylic latex with defoamer and reducing_water agent is suitable for the mortar. With the amount of styrene_acrylic latex being added, the water_reducing property is gradually improved (water_cement ratio is reduced); the decreasing of density and compressive strength are lower, but the bending strength is increased generally, It has a maximum of the bending strength at a certain latex_cement ratio, and exceeds the mortar with single reducing_water agent.
Journal of Guangzhou University:Natural Science Edition
广州大学 2 0 0 1年科研项目 (LG -YB -0 12 9)